Today is going to be an interesting day around the studio. You see Producer Jonathan (Jonathan Voytko) isn’t going to be in today, and that’s going to make for a very challenging day of production for Ray and I.
What that means is that today all our short YouTube videos are going to be recorded from my office (because Jonathan isn’t there to run the main studio room) and Ray and I are going to have to pick up the slack in order to get the job done. It’s going to be hectic.
That said, I thought this might be an interesting opportunity to give you guys some insight into what exactly Producer Jonathan does every single day around our studio that makes us work. So let’s get into it…
First, Jonathan has about an hour commute to get to the studio, so his day starts with him hitting the road around 8:15 am
9:15-9:30am is usually when he arrives at the studio and immediately he goes through his routine of getting all the production lights on, getting the cameras on and focused and getting the production suite and various production monitors up and running.
Once that’s done I give him and Ray (Ray has a completely different set of tasks that I talked about in a previous edition of the newsletter) the first topic we’re going to make a video for that morning. Jonathan then starts going through my talking points and pulls 5-10 images that he thinks will go with my video ready to insert as I’m talking. We then start recording the video. Jonathan runs the production board. He does the switching, the graphics and the audio that goes into the recording.
Once we record the raw video for the story, Jonathan then does a touch edit before handing the video over to Ray. Once he hands that version of the video over to Ray, he begins the process again to get ready for, and record the next news video we’re going to do.
That process repeats about 4 times before it’s time to start getting ready for recording the main show podcast.
Kris Carr rolls in at about 11am and we get prepared to do the podcast. Jonathan gets everything ready from a production standpoint, gathering assets, getting Kris situated, sound checked and focused and then operates the board as we do the podcast. He even jumps in and participates a little in the shows.
Once we’re done recording the podcast, Jonathan makes a touch edit and then sends copies of the edit to both me (I have things to do on it) and Ray. Then, Jonathan makes 2 separate edits of the video version of the podcast. 1) For all our channel members. Then 2) for our Director and Producer level channel members who he makes an Ad-Free version of the show for. Once his edits are done, he titles, tags and uploads those to the server for publishing on YouTube.
AFTER ALL THAT… Jonathan gets to have lunch. All that… before lunch.
After lunch we usually record one more short video, and then Jonathan preps the upcoming Open Mic episode. He gets the live event published, gathers up the tip questions that our viewers have sent in over the past 24 hours and formats them for the show.
If there is any time left before Open Mic starts, Jonathan finds time to do some work on the other major aspects of his job:
Checking over gear to make sure everything is working
Managing the office including making sure all our bills are paid, rent on the studio is up to date and supplies have everything we need
Manage our sponsors. Gathering all the requirements for our sponsor spots and doing the HUGE job of data breakdown and running our reporting that goes out to our agencies and sponsors.
Did you know that after working at Collider and before coming to work with me on The John Campea Show, Jonathan spent over a year working production for the Kardashians? Yeah, he left them to come make videos for you guys!
Then the last main thing we do during the production day is Open Mic. Jonthan moderates all the questions that come in and runs the live stream show. When we wrap on the show, Jonathan does his touch edit and gets it to Ray. Then does a last minute check on anything else that needed to be done and then FINALLY goes home.
And that’s the guy we have to get work done without today.
Appreciate Jonathan guys. We do.
Thanks for the incredible hard work you do Jonathan. From Fact Checker Jonathan to Producer Jonathan!
Love me some Jonathan! Always such a snazzy dresser too. Thanks for all you do and your unwavering commitment to the show! We'd all be lost without you Sir!